21.08.2024 · In evidence


Filippo Turconi, the youngest debutant at the Tour Poitou Charentes, born in 2005, takes the polka dot jersey in the second stage.

In the second stage of the Tour Poitou Charentes, Filippo Turconi, a rider from Varese born in 2005, joined the breakaway of the day, securing the leadership of the KOM classification with 14 points. Turconi, the youngest debutant in this race, showed personality and courage, being the last of the attackers to surrender to the peloton’s chase when there were only fifth kilometers left to the finish.

His statements: “The race was intense from the start. We knew there would be early attacks, like yesterday, and indeed after just 5 kilometers, I managed to join a group of five riders. We immediately started working together, quickly gaining a good advantage. After the first two intermediate sprints, a rider from Decathlon AG2R dropped off, but the four of us continued to collaborate. My main goal was to win the KOM points, and I gave everything to collect as many points as possible, which I achieved. We kept up a good pace to get as far as possible before the finish, but they caught us about 5 kilometers from the finish. Despite that, we pushed on at a good speed, and in the final stretch, I tried to launch an attack to also win the prize for the most combative rider. This is the first time I wear a leader’s jersey in a classification, and it means a lot to me, I’m very happy.”