13.03.2024 · In evidence


Top 10 prestige for Martin Marcellusi at the Milano-Torino.

Martin Marcellusi achieves eighth place at the Milano-Torino. An edition reviewed in the finale that didn’t leave space for sprinters; indeed, on the climb of Prascorsano, the UAE Team Emirates’ effort selected a group of about fifteen men. Within the peloton was also the rider from VF Group Bardiani-CSF Faizanè, Martin Marcellusi, who, at the finish line in Salassa, achieved a prestigious Top 10 by finishing in eighth place.

Marcellusi’s statements: “At the start, a breakaway of three riders went away, the group kept the situation under control. We knew that in the last 40-50km, we would have to maintain the top positions, and we managed that quite well. After the summit, we let Bora do the work, trying to close in on Bettiol. In the finale, I tried to sprint together with Lutsenko and three others, unfortunately without success. In the sprint, I got a bit boxed in, but my legs were quite tired. I trained a lot, and I was keen to do well today. I’m very motivated for the upcoming races.”


1. Bettiol Alberto (EF Education-EasyPost) in 3:54:13
2. Christen Jan (UAE Team Emirates) + 07
3. Hirschi Marc (UAE Team Emirates) + 09
4. Ulissi Diego (UAE Team Emirates)
5. Vermaerke Kevin (Team dsm-firmenich PostNL)
6. Brambilla Gianluca (Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team)
7. Herzog Emil (BORA-hansgrohe)
8. Marcellusi Martin (VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizanè)
9. Schultz Nick (Israel-Premier Tech)
10. Wandahl Frederik (BORA-hansgrohe)