19.12.2019 · In evidence


For the 2020 season Fisiocortiana will be the official sponsor of the Bardiani-CSF-Faizanè team for all the medical-sports visits at the beginning of the season. The medical Center is specialized in medical examinations, physiotherapy and osteopathic treatments, in instrumental physical therapies and in personalized training for professional and amateur athletes.

In Fisiocortiana the riders of the #GreenTeam will made all the sports medical examination, which includes echocardiogram, cycloergometer stress test and spirometry. They will also made, thanks to the collaboration with the San Gaetano Clinic, blood and urine tests and chest X-rays. The center, created by the osteopath and owner Giacomo Cortiana and by the administrator Massimo Fontana, offers the professionalism and competence of professionals both in the medical-health and sport-competitive fields. In fact, in addition to osteopathic and physiotherapeutic treatments, athletes will have the chance to train in the gym equipped with the latest machinery, which will allow them to refine their athletic training under the guidance of Motor Science graduates.

The administrator Massimo Fontana declared: “In 2020 we chose to invest on cycling, a sport that in our region has great relevance and that is practiced by more and more people at various levels. This is why we strongly wanted this partnership, to link our center to a team that has always valued young Italians riders, giving them important opportunities for growth. We are sure that it is just the beginning of a long collaboration.”

Fisiocortiana has already selected some collaborations with high level international athletes, such as the snowboarder of the Italian Selection Daniele Bagozza, the triathlete Giulio Tamaro, and other basketball sports clubs, football clubs, triathlon and trailrunning. From 2020 will therefore be his debut also in professional cycling in partnership with the Bardiani CSF Faizanè team.

The Fisiocortiana center is located in Schio in the Vicenza area and is located in 855 square meters with 250 dedicated to gym and sauna. Already active in sport since 2017, it is structured to follow the athlete in every phase of his season, from the preparation phase to the recovery of injuries. The structure is realized to put at the service of athletes an organized structure of 360 °, putting as first priority the health of the riders, to prevent and prepare the riders offering a complete service of great quality.