03.07.2022 · Results


Filippo Fiorelli conquers the first stage of the Sibiu Tour in Romania. For him also leadership in the general classification and points jersey. First victory of the season for the Sicilian rider.

In the first stage of the Sibiu Tour the success for Bardiani CSF Faizané immediately arrives with an unleashed Filippo Fiorelli who finalizes the teamwork in the best possible way.


First stage from Brezoi to Sibiu with over 200km of race concluded with a restricted sprint and regulated in the group of the best by Filippo Fiorelli. On the last climb of the day forcing and selection that reduces the main group to about fifty units. Compact among them the men of Bardiani CSF Faizané with Filippo Fiorelli who launches along the sprint resisting the return attempt of the other two Italian athletes Dalla Valle and Piccolo.


An excellent performance by the Bardiani CSF Faizané rider who, after finishing sixth at the recent Italian Road Championships, realizes his moment of form with an important success, the first of the season, which also allows him to conquer the leadership of the general classification.


These are the words of Filippo Fiorelli just after the finish-line:

“A victory that I reached after many attempts this year. I felt really good and since this morning I told my teammates and directors that I would do the race and the sprint. I finally got unlocked, because already from the Giro di Sicily I was in good condition, I went out for a bad day at the Giro d’Italia, but I immediately returned to the Tour of Norway and then to Slovenia and the Italian. Finally here in Sibiu I have reaped the first fruits. I have to thank my teammates who have all done a splendid job, some from afar like Battaglin, some on the climb like Martinelli, some on the final train like Marcellusi and Colnaghi. And my DS who have always supported me and believed in me, just like my mother. With the victory the leader’s jersey also arrived, but the general classification is not our primary objective, even if tomorrow I will also be at the service of my most skilled climbing team mates and we will see what happens. “


Stage Ranking

1 – Filippo Fiorelli – Bardiani CSF Faizané

2 – Nicolas Dalla Valle – Giotti Vittoria

3 – Andrea Piccolo – Drone Hopper Androni