29.10.2020 · In evidence


Two new arrivals in the team looking forward to the 2021 season. They are Umberto Marengo, winner of one stage in the Tour of Utah, and Andrea Garosio with already one year of experience in a World Tour team.


The rider from Piedmont, Umberto Marengo is a complete rider, able of keeping a good rhythm uphill but able to win restricted sprint. He became pro in 2019 in the current Vini Zabù – Brado – Ktm, with which he reached his first success at the Tour of Utah by beating in a short sprint runners of the caliber of Edwin Avila and a very young Joao Almeida.


These are his words about the 2021 season.
“I am really happy to be a new riders of Bardiani CSF Faizanè. I have to thank Bruno and Roberto Reverberi because in a difficult year like this it was not easy to have an opportunity. They have been able to look beyond this particular year. My goals in 2021 on a personal level are to improve myself uphill so that I can take advantage of my fast cue in sprints and finishes in smaller groups and to deserve the call for my first Giro d’Italia because of all the races I dreamed as a child she is the only one I have never run yet. I am ready to put my skills at the disposal of my new teammates too if there is a need to pull and pace uphill as well as to help my teammates in the sprints. “

Best Results:


1° – Tour of Utah tappa 1

10° Coppa Bernocchi

5° Tour of Taiyuan – Classifica Generale


2020 – Vini Zabù – Ktm

2019 – Neri Sottoli – Selle Italia – Ktm



The rider from Brescia, born in 1993, is a skilled uphill rider who has achieved good placements in historic Italian races such as the Coppa Agostoni and the Giro dell’Emilia. He became Pro rider with the World Tour team Bahrain-Merida, he raced in the ranks of the Vini Zabù team in 2020. 2021 will be his third season as a professional, in which to demonstrate the definitive grow in quality.


These are the words when signing up with the team:
“I would like to express what I was unable to express in this 2020 due first to the Coronavirus and then to the fall at Coppi and Bartali, to finally be able to fully demonstrate that I am a good climber and try to achieve a victory in a stage race or in strong one day race. For me it is essential to feel trust around me and in the Reverberi team I felt it right away and I can’t wait to repay it with the results. “

Best Results:


10° – Coppa Agostoni

13° – Giro dell’Emilia


2020 – Vini Zabù – Ktm

2019 – Bahrain Merida