29.05.2021 · In evidence


A great action by Giovanni Visconti in the last stage of Giro 104. 90 km in the breakaway at first in 9 riders, then in 5 and finally again in a dozen of riders when Caruso and Bardet arrived. Umberto Marengo wins the first intermediate sprint fighting to the last for the last intermediate sprint, with a final final place for him in the special ranking.

Last stage and once again Bardiani CSF Faizanè in today breakaway with Giovanni Visconti able to enter in the breakaway of the day after the first 30km of race.

Today stage from the start once again convulsive with many attacks, but the group does not allow space, with the intermediate sprint close to the start that assign also points for the Cyclamen jersey. Umberto Marengo is therefore able at trying to take advantage of the situation by being ready and winning the sprint of the first flying finish line of the day, winning the 12 points up for grabs for the special ranking. In fact, at the start of the stage he was only 10 points behind the Belgian national champion De Bondt. However, the Belgian is able to finish second, limiting the damage and maintaining the top of the special classification, in which Umberto Marengo is therefore second overall.

The breakaway of the day then starts, made up of 9 riders, including a very active Giovanni Visconti. On the hard climb of the San Bernardino, 5 riders remain in the attack, while just before the entrance to the Spluga climb they find a group of counterattackers on them including the winner of the day Damiano Caruso and Romain Bardet. On the climb of Spluga Giovanni Visconti already present in the first break of the day is reabsorbed by the pink jersey group.

With the breakaway of Giovanni Visconti, the number of km raced by the Bardiani CSF Faizanè team in this Giro d’Italia rises to over 2,100 km.



Giovanni Visconti: “When I got to the end of this Giro, I definitely felt tired, but I wanted to try again, even though I knew that today the chances of arriving from the breakaway were remote. However, this is the fourth personal action in this Giro and it was a break away by force. I then tried to hold on to the step s. Bernardino. When Caruso came back from behind, a Sicilian like me with whom we have been in the group for some time together, I tried to make regular changes, I think he really deserved a stage victory.”

Umberto Marengo: “I have been fighting for a long time and also in the lead for the intermediate sprint, covering many km of breakaways. Unfortunately, with the breakaways in the most demanding stages of the last week, the Belgian champion had overtaken me and everything seemed closed. But this morning when I saw that the sprinters fighting for the cyclamen were keeping their breakaways closed, I tried to get into the fight for the flying finish line, managing to win the sprint and gaining 12 points. Unfortunately, however, De Bondt also managed to collect some, remaining in front of me for a few points. The important thing was to leave no stone unturned so as not to have regrets. “